
For Patti, who bugged me constantly for an answer to the question
How did you meet your girlfriend??? I told you it wasn't that simple...

The pictures appear after the respective mention...

Kim Here's the story... In 1990 this girl Kim moved into my neighborhood. She was strange. Naturally, cause she was a girl, I would pick on her. What else do 13 year old boys do to girls (Don't answer that)? So anyway Kim had a friend (Shauna Shauna) that she met from Glens Falls, the town next to mine (where Kim lived for a month before their house was ready). So anyway one thing led to another and Kim was no longer my friend. But Shauna still was. Time passed and the summer of 1991 came around. Shauna and I were phone pals for most of the time past. In October, Shauna's friend Kari entered the picture. She liked me. She's okay, but you know, not my type. So anyway for about a month we talked on the phone. (All my relationships were on the phone. After all, they lived in Glens Falls). About 3 weeks into our "relationship" which involved phone and mail, including pictures, Kari introduced me to Haley, her best friend. She liked me too. I was faced with something I had never been faced with before - girls actually liking me. I didn't like Kari as much as I liked Haley. Whatever she did it just worked (like your whip on Chris). We corresponded a lot on the phone and by mail. Haley When she sent me her school picture in mid-November I just flipped. As time passed, our phone conversations got more and more involved. The word love appeared into the picture. 3 weeks after we "met", we actually "met". I was so nervous. I remember she said "Loosen up!!!". My relationship with her was more a "phone thing" than in person. On the phone it was like I could tell her anything. In person, I needed the comfort of my shell to hide in. (It took me over a month to "kiss" her) Well, on the phone, after 8 hours of convincing she convinced me to ask her out. She said yes. I felt so wonderful. Anyway during the month we talked on the phone I learned that she was originally from Minden, Nebraska. She moved to (get this) Wappenger's Falls in 4th grade, and to Glens Falls in 6th. (She was now in 8th, me in 9th). Her father lived in Wyoming. Haley called her friends there and I happened to be on the phone. Her friends name is Angie. She also introduced me to some of her friends in Wappengers and Nebraska. Anyway, in February she dumped me. My first true broken heart. (Read about it in why.html) We stopped talking completely. I mean, how could I talk to my destroyer? I, to this day, have never asked her why she dumped me. I can't. I know why she did now, so I have no reason to ask her anymore, but still,... Even though communication ceased to exist between Haley and I, Angie and me kept our friendship going. From February 1992 to December 1993 we would talk a lot. You should se my phone bills! Angie kind of liked me but, I mean, how can a relationship be sustained 1800 miles apart? In Dec. 1993 her little sister Mary Mary developed a crush on me. Harmless. She sent me some letters and stuff. It was cool having her there. February '94 I liked some girl in New Jersey for no reason (Remember I'm upstate). I had my radio show from Jan to April so that took up most of my time (See brian&andy.html COMING SOON) (and I'm not even going to go into the two failed attempts at relationships I had with Kim and this girl Heather, not to mention the obsession I had with Nichole and Erin - I have no idea what caused those!). In May, I called her for no reason. All I know is that I am glad today that I did. We would spent our nights talking on the phone, sometimes endless. We'd talk about basically anything. A bond began to grow between us. That summer I had my first job at The Great Escape Fun Park. I would call her during my breaks to say hi, and when I had free time while working I'd write her notes on napkins and the backs of paper plates, telling her that I wished she was there. I never told her I loved her. I could never admit to that because how could I? I have never met her, and well, (by now over a year and a half later) I wasn't fully recovered from Haley. Time my friend... time... So in August I wrote Love Ya on one of the letters I sent her. Anyway that broke the ice for me (in text form). In September she told me that she loved me in a letter. Not just Love, Mary; but I love you Brian. I always will. By the end of September things between us were stronger than ever. I had to go there. My will would lead me. A Quest. I found someone who was able to break the chains around my heart and I wasn't going to let her go. So October 2, I think, I told my mom that I wanted to go to Wyoming during Thanksgiving break to see Mary. Considering my current state (the 2 year state - me being in my basement all the time, never communicating with anyone except 2 people, and never WANTING to leave the basement then all of a sudden this urge to leave) of course she would let me. October 8th we bought the tickets. From Albany to Newark to Denver to Scottsbluff. It would be a grueling trip, but it was one that I would fortake. My mind was set - Mary was my goal. In the end, my trip ended up being delayed 4 and a half hours due to flight delays, a total of 12 hours of airport hopping, sitting, and wondering; but at 4:07pm I got off the plane in the airport that might as well have been a barn with a really long driveway. Not being able to turn back (as if I wanted to) I walked into the small airport and saw her. We hugged. I was my same old self. Nervous as hell, but I knew I had to overcome that. We made eye contact a couple times... First we went to Burger King then to the grocery store, where her mother encouraged me to get anything that I liked. My Picture It was when she was paying that Mary and I first started to "socialize". I asked her "So is my hair black?" (She said it was black based on the pictures and I couldn't convince her [over the phone] that it is in fact brown). She agreed that it isn't. We brought the groceries to the car and headed back to the airport. My luggage never showed up. On the way back to the airport I made a daring move. I pretended to do something with the seatbelt to get her to grab it, and when she did, I grasped her hand. The moment was so magical that it cannot be described to you. We went to the airport, I got my bag, we put it in the seat on the right side of the back seat so I would have to sit in the middle, next to her. During the whole hour ride back to her house I held both her hands and her head rest on my shoulder, and vice versa...

I would go on but I think you have an idea of how we met now. I hope this answers any of your questions. Remember two things:
1. I Love Mary with all my heart
2. 1800 miles is an even longer distance away if you have a reason to be there

Back home...
At her house At my school On my bed

This page has not been changed since December 21 and will not be changed...
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